
This is the first of two capstone courses in the Multimedia Communication track of the Professional Writing Minor. The assignments in the course ask you to engage in activities that will help you refine your writing style, compose in multiple media, design documents effectively, and use a variety of software programs.

The syllabus, schedule, projects, and resources for the course can be found here on the Web at http://sorapure.net/155a_w23. The website will be updated regularly.


The assignments for the course constitute your final grade, roughly as follows:

  • Brand Style Guide Genre Analysis: 20%
  • Brand Style Guide: 60%
  • Discussions: 20%

Important Information

  • My email is sorapure@ucsb.edu.
  • My office hours (for now) are Mondays from 1:00-3:00 via Zoom. But I’m available at lots of other times, so feel free to send me an email to set up a time to meet.
  • Class meets on TR from 3:30-4:45 in Phelps 1518. Because much of the work of the course will be done during class time, your attendance and participation are very important.
  • You are allowed two absences; after that, your final grade will be lowered by one grade for each absence (e.g., if you are absent 3 times, an A becomes an A-; if you are absent 4 times, an A becomes a B+).
  • If you arrive late to class, I count that as half an absence.
  • Remember that even if you are absent you are responsible for any work that is done during class and for any assignments that are given or are due during class. Send me an email or meet me during my office hours to find out what you missed.

Campus Resources

Also, I am always available to help via email, during my office hours, or by appointment. I’ve been teaching at UCSB since the beginning of time, so I can probably point you in the right direction if you have a question or a problem.

If you need special course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, please get in touch after the first or second class session and we’ll set that up.

And finally, if there’s a resource you need for the course but can’t afford, get in touch and I’ll figure out a way to help.

Link to our Google Drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12WNP2deSL0j0fZPDFg1pKWznKhcHyE15?usp=share_link