

Tuesday 3/14: chat with Trish Fancher; feedback on drafts

assignment (due Thursday 3/16):

  • create a complete draft of your Brand Style Guide
  • upload the draft to the “BSG second drafts” folder in our class Google drive for class on Thursday 3/16

Thursday 3/16: time for ESCIs; brief presentations of a BSG page

assignment (due Friday 3/17 – Wednesday 3/22 at 5:00 pm):

  • complete the Brand Style Guide project and upload the PDF to our shared Google folder on or before Friday 3/17 – Wednesday 3/22 at 5:00 pm

Friday 3/17 – Wednesday 3/22 at 5:00 pm: Brand Style Guide project due


Tuesday 1/10: class cancelled

Thursday 1/12: course overview; begin the BSG Genre Analysis project

assignments (due 1/17):


Tuesday 1/17: discuss reading; in-class work on BSG Genre Analysis project

assignments (due 1/19):

  • respond to discussion #2 on collaboration strategies and tools and/or discussion #3 on presentation strategies
  • continue working with your team on the BSG Genre Analysis project and decide how your team will present its findings (e.g., slides, PDF, video, website)
  • read Creating a Brand to Serve, David Anastacio

Thursday 1/19: discuss collaboration and presentation strategies; in-class work on BSG Genre Analysis project

assignment (due before class on 1/24):

  • look through some of the examples and explanations of branding in Identity Designed, by David Airey
  • finish your BSG Genre Analysis project and be prepared to present your team’s findings on Tuesday 1/24


Tuesday 1/24: BSG Genre Analysis presentations!

assignments (due before class on Thursday 1/26):

Thursday 1/26: Identity Designed; discuss brand adjectives; moodboard exercise

assignments (due before class on Tuesday 1/31):


Tuesday 1/31: discuss typography readings; links for the in-class writing exercise:

assignment (due Thursday 2/2):

Thursday 2/2: more discussion of typefaces; work on typography draft

assignment (due Tuesday 2/7):

  • “finalize” your typeface choices and create your typography draft (here are some examples); upload it to the “typography draft” folder in the “typography folder” in Google Drive
    • Google Slides would be a good program to use for this exercise


Tuesday 2/7: photo editing tutorials: Photo Editing #1: Interface, Filters, Adjustments; Photo Editing #2: Text; Photo Editing #3: Selecting and Combining

assignment (due 2/9):

Thursday 2/9: begin logo design process; in class we’ll watch The Art and Origins of Logo Design; work on the logo exercise 

assignment (due 2/14):


Tuesday 2/14: discuss logo readings; feedback on logo options; adding shapes, your name, and color to the logo

Please fill out this Google form regarding your plans for the Spring quarter

Thursday 2/16: class cancelled

assignment (due Tuesday 2/21):


Tuesday 2/21: begin the color section; InDesign tutorial

assignment (due before class on Thursday 2/23):

Thursday 2/23:

assignment (due before class on Tuesday 2/27):

  • create a first draft of your color page and your typography page; upload both to the Google BSG first drafts folder before class on Tuesday 2/28
    • be sure to include your name in the filename for both drafts
  • work on revisions to your logo


Tuesday 2/28: feedback on BSG color and typography first drafts; InDesign tutorials on working with master pages and overriding master pages; create mockups in Photopea/Photoshop

assignments (due Thursday 3/2):

  • Using Photopea/Photoshop, create several mockups with your lettermark logo and/or lockup; upload them to the mockups folder inside the Google logo folder before class on Thursday 3/2

Thursday 3/2:  feedback on mockups; work on logo page first draft

assignment (due Tuesday 3/7):

  • read The Big Four
  • respond to discussion #8 on page layout
  • create a first draft of your logo page; upload it to the Google BSG first drafts folder before class on Tuesday 3/7
  • optional: create a page or pages for your imagery section, perhaps using a moodboard


Tuesday 3/7: feedback on page layouts; The Big Four and the version with ducks; covers/table of contents design

assignment (due Thursday 3/9):

  • create drafts of covers and table of contents and upload them to the “BSG first drafts” folder in our class Google drive for class on Thursday 3/9
  • read through the intro/welcome/about and brand identity/style sections of about page examples and identify two or three effective strategies for introducing yourself and your brand/style

Thursday 3/9: feedback on layouts; focus on writing content and style

  • for the intro/welcome and mission/style sections:

assignment (due Tuesday 3/14):

  • send me an email letting me know when you’d like me to take a look at your drafts this weekend, and whether there are any specific issues that you’d like me to focus on
  • respond to discussion #9 on writing advice
  • create drafts of the introduction/welcome and (optional) brand identity/style sections and upload them to the “BSG first drafts” folder in our class Google drive for class on Tuesday 3/14